If your Hitron CODA modem isn't connecting to the Internet, then don’t worry. Use this simple guide to get it up and running again.
If this is a new modem, it is important to activate it with your Internet Service Provider (ISP): the company that provides you with the Internet connection.
Call them or check their website to make sure your modem is registered and set up correctly.
Take a look at the coaxial cable (the large, cylindrical cable that is screwed into the modem) again.
Make sure that it is tightly fastened on the modem and at the wall outlet.
If it is loose or broken, the modem will not receive the signal and you will not be able to use the Internet.
If you’re using a wired connection, make sure the Ethernet cable (flat cable) is properly connected to the modem and the computer or router.
If it’s not connected or loose, your device will not be able to connect to the Internet.
Shut down your modem by removing the power cable from the modem
Please wait for 10 seconds.
Replug the power source and wait for the modem to reboot. This may take a few minutes.
This simple trick fixes many Internet problems!
If the modem is turned on but there is no Internet connection, then try to shutdown your computer, router or other WiFi enabled devices and turn them on again.
Sometimes, it is all it takes for your device to update its connection..
If these steps don’t fix your problem:
Check with your ISP – There might be an outage in your area.
Try a different coaxial cable – Did you use the one provided by Hitron? If yours is old or damaged, replacing it could help.
Reset your modem – If nothing works, you may need to reset your modem to factory settings (only do this if your ISP says it's okay).
Hopefully, these steps help you get back online! If you need more help, check your ISP’s website or give them a call. 😊