How do I connect my HTEM5 MoCA adapter to my router?
A. Get a MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter and Ethernet Cable.
B. Connect the Ethernet Cable from the Router
to the MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter.
C. Get the Coax Cable and connect the Coax Cable from the
Coax Outlet on the wall to the Coax Port on the MoCA 2.5
Network Adapter.

Note: If you have a TV or cable set top box near your modem/
router, you will need to use a coax splitter.
D. Get the Power Adapter (External, 12V DC, 1A, made by
AOEM, Model #ADSO12T-W120100) and connect it from the
MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter to a Power Outlet.
E. Wait until the Power Light on the front of the adapter
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